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Sedem dní v bielom koncentráku. / Jankech, Daniel; GRU Bechný, Ľubomír. 1994
Reprodukčné správanie žien na Slovensku : január 1997. / FOCUS. 1997
Reproductive Choice : A background document for the Council of Europeďs Group of specialists on the right to free choice in matters of reproduction and life styles. / Edit. Lauglo, Marilyn; Edit. Mogedal, Sigrun. 1999
Women of the World : Laws and Policies Affecting Their Reoproductive Lives : East Central Europe. / Edit. Roseman, Mindy Jane. 2000
Family Planning and Reproductive Health in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States : From abortion to contraception. / aut. UNFPA - WHO. 3. vyd. 2000
Expanding Access to Safe Abortion : Strategies for Action. / Germain, Adrienne; Kim, Theresa. 1998
Women's Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health : Action Sheets. / aut. HERA - Health, Empowerment, Rights & Accountability. 2001
Historia aborcji w kościele katolickim. / Hurst, Jane; Prekl. Oleszczuk, Teresa. 1991
Piekło kobiet : historie współczesne. / AKM Godlewska, Barbara; Red. Nowicka, Wanda, Red. Solik, Aleksandra. 2001
Der Frauenleib als öffentlicher Ort : Vom Mißbrauch des Begriffs Leben. / Duden, Barbara; GRU Gebhardt, Helmut. 1994

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